VLASIN & ASOCIATII este o societate de avocatura de tip boutique redefinitorie pentru piata juridica in continua schimbare din Romania, care ofera servicii juridice de nisa, cu un accent important pe domeniul avocaturii de business. Obiectivul nostru este de a contribui la efortul clientilor nostri de dezvoltare si consolidare a afacerilor lor si, in general, la promovarea unui mediu de afaceri matur, dinamic si integru in Romania.
Dupa mai multi ani petrecuti de avocatii nostri in case de avocatura internationale, VLASIN & ASOCIATII a fost creata pentru a ajuta clientii sa gestioneze complexitatea fiecarei etape din ciclul de viata al unei societati, reinventand modul in care este furnizata asistenta juridica sofisticata si axata pe valoare.
Atingem acest obiectiv prin furnizarea de solutii juridice practice si inovatoare care contribuie in mod decisiv la succesul clientilor nostri. Succesul clientilor nostri este propriul nostru succes si va ramane obiectivul si prioritatea noastra. In acest fel, am construit relatii de incredere cu o serie de clienti, de la companii internationale si locale provenind din diverse sectoare pana la persoane fizice.
VLASIN & ASOCIATII se concentreaza pe sectoarele in care a dobandit experienta substantiala promovand astfel cele mai eficiente solutii de business pentru apararea intereselor clientilor.
Daca va intrebati ce ne diferentiaza de alti competitori, raspunsul este: suntem inovatori, dedicati, creativi in rezolvarea problemelor, gandim in afara tiparelor si totodata, suntem consilieri de incredere.
VLASIN & ASSOCIATES is a redefining boutique law firm for the changing legal-marketplace in Romania, providing niche legal services with a resolute focus on business law matters. Our mission is to contribute to our clients efforts to develop and strengthen their businesses and, generally, to promote a mature, dynamic and honest business environment in Romania.
After several years spent by our lawyers in leading international law firms, VLASIN & ASSOCIATES has been created to assist clients with overcoming the complexities of the corporate life-cycle, re-inventing the way in which sophisticated and value-driven advice is provided.
We achieve this through practical and innovative legal solutions that help our clients succeed. The success of our clients has been our own success and will remain the priority. In this way we have built trusted relationships with an array of clients, from international and local companies from various industry sectors to private clients.
The firm focuses on sectors which it has particular experience in and for that reason provides the most efficient business solutions for the clients’ interests.
If you are asking yourself what differentiates us from other law firms, the answer is: we are innovative, dedicated, forward thinking, creative problem solvers and trusted advisors.
Sectoarele noastre de practica Our Business Sectors
Drept Imobiliar si al Constructiilor
Intelegand ca unul dintre principalele motoare de business care conduc in prezent piata romaneasca este domeniul imobiliar, avem o echipa specializata in drept imobiliar, dedicand 100% din timpul lor proiectelor imobiliare ale clientilor nostri.
Citeste mai multReal Estate & Construction
Having understood that one of the major business engines currently driving the Romanian market is real estate, we have developed a specialized Real Estate team with lawyers dedicating 100% of their time to our clients’ real estate projects.
Learn MoreDrept Societar, Comercial si Contracte
Practica de drept comercial se afla la baza societatii noastre de avocatura. ECHIPAi au o experienta vasta in tranzactii interne si internationale iar prin timpul de lucru petrecut in cadrul unor case de avocatura internationale, au obtinut o experienta practica cuprinzatoare in gestionarea tranzactiilor corporative.
VLASIN & ASOCIATII ofera un pachet complet de servicii de drept corporativ iar avocatii nostri specializati in drept societar inteleg pe deplin piata autohtona a afacerilor. Nu oferim consultanta doar din punct de vedere juridic, ci avem o abordare cuprinzatoare, practica si de perspectiva.
Citeste mai multContracts, Corporate & Commercial Law
Our corporate practice is at the core of the firm. The partners have extensive experience of domestic and international transactions and through their time working for large international law firms, they have obtained comprehensive and practical experience in running both small and large corporate transactions.
VLASIN & ASSOCIATES provides a full corporate service and our corporate lawyers have the necessary business acumen to assist. We not only advise on the law itself but take a more comprehensive, practical and forward-looking approach.
Learn MoreDreptul Muncii
Dreptul muncii este unul dintre ariile cheie de practica ale societatii noastre in care am dobandit o vasta experienta, acoperind o gama larga de mandate din sfera dreptului muncii, atat ce tin de consultanta, cat si de natura litigioasa.
Citeste mai multEmployment
Employment is one of our main practice areas in which we have acquired extensive experience, covering the full spectrum of mandates, both consultancy and litigation employment matters.
Learn MoreAchizitii Publice
Fie ca actionam pentru investitori privati sau pentru organisme publice, cunoastem riscurile si obstacolele care decurg din procesul de achizitie publica.
Clientii au incredere in noi ca fiind un furnizor de servicii juridice complete in toate etapele unui proiect de achizitii publice. Ne punem la dispozitie expertiza, vasta experienta de piata si abilitatile juridice atat in domeniul consultantei cat si a litigiilor - combinate pentru a sprijini clientii fie autoritati contractante sau operatori economici pe parcursul intregii proceduri.
Citeste mai multPublic Procurement
Whether acting for private investors or public bodies, we know the risks and hurdles that come with the procurement process.
Clients trust us as a full-service provider through all stages of a public procurement project. We deploy our expertise, vast market experience and combined advisory-litigation skills to support contracting authorities and economic operators during the entire project.
Learn MoreLitigii si Arbitraj
Ne remarcam prin rezultatele de succes obtinute pentru clientii nostri si resursele necesare pentru gestionarea litigiilor de toate tipurile.
Am reprezentat clienti la toate nivelurile sistemului judiciar roman, de la instantele teritoriale la Inalta Curte de Justitie, precum si in proceduri speciale in fata Curtii Constitutionale si in instantele de arbitraj.
Citeste mai multLitigation & Arbitration
We have a strong record of achieving successful outcomes for our clients and the resources to handle litigation cases of all types.
We have represented clients at all levels of the local judicial system, from the lower courts to the High Court of Justice, as well as in special proceedings in the Constitutional Court and in courts of arbitration.
Learn MoreAlte Arii de Practica
Pentru a furniza servicii complete Clientilor nostri, colaboram cu experti din diverse domenii de drept, cum ar fi: Drept Fiscal, Drept Bancar, Proprietate Intelectuala, Drept Penal etc.
Citeste mai multOther Areas
In order to be a full-service law firm, we are collaborating with reputed experts from other areas (Tax, IPT, Criminal Law, Insolvency) to be able to meet in full the needs of our Clients.
Learn More“Chiar şi atunci când legile au fost scrise, ele nu ar trebui întotdeauna să rămână neschimbate.”
“Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered.”